Encouraging ICA shoppers to choose healthier products

As part of ICAs initiative to promote health and wellbeing in Sweden, particularly for children and teenagers, as a partnership with Gen Pep, they turned to Impactually. Our task was to explore ways ICA could nudge their shoppers in stores and online to choose healthier products, all the while maintaining their shoppers freedom of choice – so not taking any products out of the assortment, and also not creating any economic incentives – not changing prices.
Behavioral Insight:
When deciding what products to shop for, we are only partially influenced by our preferences, and much more by cues in the environment, what other people do and our own mental state.
We helped lead a multi-functional team within ICA, which included store owners (handlare), the e-commerce team, a nutritionist, the brand and marketing etc., as well as external agencies, in a process to identify potential behavioral interventions to achieve the objective of encouraging shoppers to choose healthier. We discussed the current state of what is happening today: How are the grocery stores physically structured, what do people see when they come in, throughout their shopping trip and by the checkout – and what kind of decisions does that drive them towards. We discussed different cognitive biases which influence people’s decisions in the wrong way and how we can help them overcome those.
The process resulted in a list of potential initiatives to test and implement by individual store owners, as well as an online campaign. The campaign used nudging by placing reminders in unexpected categories: “don’t forget the vegetables” in the meat section, “try some healthy snacks” in the candy section, “natural flavoring with berries” in the yogurt section.
Lessons Learned:
Reminders reduce the mental effort required by providing a cue that the task needs to be completed. Research shows that reminders are effective in getting people to action.

We are a management consultancy applying behavioral insights to create business and societal impact. We use our expertise in behavioral economics and social psychology to design evidence-based solutions to critical challenges. We leverage scientific methods to identify interventions that will have long lasting, measurable effects.
Email: info@impactually.se
Org. no.: 559167-0327
Web Design: Sharp Studio
Copyright Impactually 2024