Changing travel habits with incentives

We collaborated with Skånetrafiken, the operator of public transport in south of Sweden, to explore different ways to drive people to adapt a new habit of travelling by public transport. We wanted to understand what would be more effective: nudging or economic incentives.
Behavioral Insight:
In surveys, many people report that they are interested in taking public transport more often. However, the actual numbers of people taking public transport are often far lower. It is the intention to action gap: the intention is there, but people seem to have trouble translating it to action.
We designed several randomized controlled trials with over 32,000 individuals, who recently moved to Skåne region or within the region. Currently, when people move within Skåne or to Skåne they receive free public transport cards for two weeks. We tested several interventions to go with this offer of a free public card, and wanted to see what would be most effective to drive people’s towards taking public transport. We tested nudges using social norms like “72 percent of people in Skåne travel by public transport”, as well as reversed social norms (“Only 28% percent of people in Skåne do not travel by public transport”) and implementation intentions. We also tested an economic incentive of doubling the trial period of the free transport card from two weeks to four weeks.
We found that the intervention that had the largest measurable effect on travel behavior was the economic incentives. People who received the offer for a 4-week free travel card were 17% more likely to accept the offer, and more importantly – they were significantly more likely to use the card six months later! This means that the increased incentives actually brought long-lasting behavior change.
Lessons Learned:
The intention to action gap is real, and sometimes it takes more than a nudge to overcome it. In this case, it was incentives that lead to behavior change. Testing different interventions is the only way to tell what works.

We are a management consultancy applying behavioral insights to create business and societal impact. We use our expertise in behavioral economics and social psychology to design evidence-based solutions to critical challenges. We leverage scientific methods to identify interventions that will have long lasting, measurable effects.
Org. no.: 559167-0327
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